Individual Membership

Qualification Criteria To qualify to register, an individual must be or have held one of the following positions in a non - bank corporate organization or in the public sector;

• Corporate Treasurer
• Finance Manager
• Treasury Manager
• Risk Manager
• Investment Manager
• Financial Controller
• Chief Financial Officer

Personal Details
Maximum upload size: 516MB

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Business Information

Sponsor / Reference
(Applicants should provide details and obtain sign off from appropriate professional referees with not less than five years managerial experience in applicable fields or a direct supervisor to applicant).

Candidate Declaration
I hereby certify that the details provided by me in this form are accurate and suitable for use.

Membership fees
Registration Fee – N10,000.00 (one-off),Associate Category – N40,000.00, Member Category – N70,000.00, Fellow Category – N100,000.00

Payment Details and Options
If issuing a cheque, kindly issue in favour of Association of Corporate Treasurers LTD/GTE. For electronic transfer and cash payments, kindly make payment to ACTN GTBank account number 0222091153 and scan evidence of payment to (after submission of Form).


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